I thought I’d post, just so y’all knew I was still alive!
I’ve been able to write every day, but not nearly as much as I would like to. I’m behind my (self-imposed) schedule, and in order to make it, I need to write about 1200 words a day. I prefer some breathing room, so I’m going to try for some 2000+ word days. We’ll see what I can do.
[pfmeter id=1 target=100000 progress=8081]
or, if I change my target, as I think I may need to…
[pfmeter id=1 target=90000 progress=8081]
My nephew and his girlfriend took the boys to a corn maze tonight. They came home pretty late, and both boys were obviously tired. We’ll be paying for it tomorrow. But the happy looks on thier faces when they came home is all worth it.