Category Archives: Goals

November 2015 Goals

A bit late, but here they are:

October Goals:

  • (ongoing) Continue first draft of The Operative
  • (0%) Plan my convention list for next year

As you can see, I’ve been so busy with The Operative that I didn’t get much else done.

Here are the November goals:

  • Complete first draft of The Operative
  • Plan my convention list for next year and get on some panels


September 2015 Goals

It looks like I missed a few goal postings.  Let’s see if I can do better.

My last goals were:

  • (100 %) Attend the Rocky Mountain Writers Retreat, and write write write.
  • (100 %) Finish polishing pages for Courier 2.
  • (100 %) Complete outline of Courier 2.
  • (100 %) Create simple small synopsis for Courier 3.
  • (100 %) Get Courier 2 package to Sara at kt literary, and maybe the brief synopsis for Courier 3.

Overall, pretty good.  There was a fair amount of hard work in there.

Last month I attended WorldCon and had a discussion with my editor (Sheila Gilbert at DAW) about book two, so that helps me create my goals for September:

  • Redo outline for The Operative (Courier book 2) based on Sheila’s feedback.
  • Complete page proofs for The Courier.
  • Continue first draft of The Operative.

This is a shorter list, but a lot of work.