On Saturday night, we had our annual Barbecue for one of our kids classes as school. This week was the Grade 1 class, and next week will be the Grade 3 class.
I heard the Grade 1 BBQ was a success. Unfortunately, I wasn’t there to see it. Ten minutes before the guests were supposed to arrive (about 30 in total, I think), I started cutting onions for the hotdogs. About 9 minutes and 32 seconds before the guests were to arrive, I cut my self instead. I almost ended up cutting the tip right off of my left hand ring finger. My wife took me to the hospital, and friends (thanks Scott and Connie) took over the BBQ.
Marnie and I spent about 5 hours in the emergency room. I now have 3 stitches holding the tip of my finger on, and I’ve been told I may actually lose the piece I cut. It’s not that big a piece, but I find I’m rather attached to it. Oh, and I have to check regularily for any green colors in the wound. Great.
I’ve decided to take the bandage off Monday evening, to check the wound, and maybe see if I can get a smaller bandage on it. Depending on how it looks, I may take a picture or two and post it here!
Typing is difficult, and I probably won’t be able to do any rock climbing when I’m in the Rockies at the end of July. But, I’ll survive (we’ll see about the possible gangrene).
For some reason, none of the BBQ attendees ate any onions.
Ouch! Don’t post pictures, don’t want to see.
C’mon, the doctor did a good job with the stitches. I’m sure the rest looks great!