I’d like to wish everyone a Happy New Year, and I hope everyone brought in the new year the way they wanted. We did.
I’m starting the new year with a new writing project, title currently unknown. I’ve shipped off The Courier to a first reader, which means this will be it’s second reading by someone other than me. Based on the feedback I get, I’ll maybe make some changes, and then send it out to 5 or 6 second readers. The Courier took alot longer than it should have. When I let the manuscript rest between revisions, I let it sit too long, far too long. And while it rested, I didn’t do any new writing. That’s a mistake I won’t be making again.
Once I outline my new project, I’ll start on a Query letter for The Courier, complete my agent research, and send the darn thing out to agents. I’ll keep everyone up to date on that progress.