Weekly Links 20081012

I follow a lot of links in a week.  Some of the links are just too good to not pass along because they are interesting, unique, or solve a problem I’ve recently had.  This is this weeks set of links that rose to the top.


Most people can’t get their minds around just how big the universe is. So it should come as no surprise that most Speculative Fiction writers can’t either.

Canadian Science Fiction writers are amongst the best in the world. Teacher-librarians can bring a rich selection of exciting, interesting, and challenging Science Fiction material to their students and staff through the excellent works of a number of authors. Homegrown talent, through the genre of Science Fiction, using Canadian settings and cultural perspectives, can help us to learn things about ourselves and our country.

When author Terry Pratchett was diagnosed with dementia, he was shocked to discover doctors could do little to help. For despite the fact that the condition affects more than 700,000 Britons (a million by 2025), research into its causes and treatment has been chronically under-funded.

What does it take to get out of the slush pile and into the table of contents? To find out, I interviewed the editors of three of the top markets in short science fiction–Gordon Van Gelder, editor of The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction; Sheila Williams, editor of Asimov’s Science Fiction, and Susan Marie Groppi, editor of Strange Horizons.

Alien zoo sex, vulgar language, and the horrors of war have earned this novel (which shall remain nameless) a place on many a banned books list. And it’s hardly alone. Even in just the last decade, parents have tried to remove their least favorite titles from school libraries, and works of science fiction have been among the casualties. So, grab a flashlight, hide under a sheet, and read (or re-read) science fiction’s most suppressed books of the 21st century.


Hibernating a Linux laptop has always been a problem for me, except for my Acer Aspire One.  This article talks about how to hibernate cleanly.


Call it part of my sick sense of humor, but when I saw this image, I laughed out loud.

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