So far NaNoWriMo is going really well. I'm still not sure where everything is going, but I'm over 4000 words in on day 2, and I still have a few hours left to write today.
I've introduced the protagonist, a 16 year old girl name Kris, and I'm just about to completely destroy her world. I probably spent far too many words on description and info dumping, but it all seems okay for now. I'll fix it all up after Nano. Nano rule number 1 is no editing. Get the words on the paper and worry about editing it all later.
If I can keep going at this rate for awhile, I should be ahead of the game once I hit the week 2/3 doldrums. At that point I'm gonna have to take a day to do some plotting anyway, since I've only plotted about 14 scenes (~ 20,000 words).
I've started using Q10 to do this work. It's actually not bad. A nice full screen editor that removes all outside annoyances. Simply type and go. It does simple editing, but it's not really designed for that. I like it. It's Windows only, but it runs under Crossover Office just fine, except that the real-time stats aren't.
When Nano is done, I'll have to look into writing one of these for native Linux.
edit: Day 2 ended on a bit of a lower note. I got an excellent word count in, but the last hour was a struggle. I prob waited to too late in the day to finish up. I ended up with 4462 new words today, giving me 7359 words in total.
What a great start!