Writing Group

Well, it’s official I guess. The writing group I started has had its second meeting. We’ve critiqued two pieces of work, and the format seems to be working well. Originally, we had five prospective members, but by the time everything settled, we ended up with two. Yup… just two. Still, it’s a start, and we are pushing each other to generate more work.

One of the rules of the group is that you must have something to critique every meeting. We’ve already broken that one, and we’re currently at every other meeting. With the feedback from the other member (d’oh), it should be easy enough to accomplish every meeting. I’ve left every meeting with a huge urge to sit down and write, which is great.

Currently, we’re looking for more members. I think five or so in total should be a great size. If everyone submits something for critique, and each critique is allotted 15 or 20 minutes, that’s a good length for a meeting. We’d still get time for socializing and discussing concepts and plots, etc. Originally, we’d planned on a group that didn’t cater to any particular genre, but now there may be a slight lean toward Science Fiction and Fantasy. I’m not sure yet. Keeping things genre specific allows us to skip some preamble on the critiques, since everyone would be familiar with the basic concepts. On the other hand, being non-genre specific give us more points of view and a fresh pair of eyes.

Something to think about.

At any rate, if there’s anybody in Winnipeg, Manitoba interested, leave a comment here and we’ll figure things out from there. I’m trying to create a nice tight knit group, so we’ll need to get together and talk first, maybe have a meeting with you, and then we can both decide if the group is a good fit.

Oh, and I plan on getting back to weekly updates on the blog. I’m aiming for every Tuesday and keeping my fingers crossed (which makes it hard to type).


  1. > At any rate, if there’s anybody in Winnipeg, Manitoba interested, leave a comment here and we’ll figure things out from there. some, anyway.

    Name\’s Mike. Of Fort Garry. Lately seen hanging around St. James a lot, seeing as that\’s where I\’m working. And at the U of M, too, since I\’m still poking at various classes and am involved with the Black Hole Theatre.

  2. Hm. Wish I had seen all those slashes up there. Now I just look like an idiot. Hopefully it does not happen again.

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