I’ll be at KeyCon in Winnipeg again this year. Here is my tentative schedule:
Sat, 10am- Your Query Package
How to ‘lure’ in an agent and/or editor
Sat, 12pm- Reading (with Adam Knight)
I’ll be reading from ‘The Courier’, my novel coming out from DAW next March.
I’ll be sharing the hour with Adam Knight. I’m not sure what he’ll be reading.
Sat, 4pm – Establishing Setting
I don’t have a long description for this one, but the title is fairly clear, I think.
Sun, 3pm – Blue Pencil Sessions
If you have a work in progress, or something you’re ready to submit, I can take a look at the first few pages and give you my opinion on them.
Times may change, keep an eye on the updated schedules at the Con.
This promises to be a great year at KeyCon, hope to see you there!