Well, my plan for getting up early appears to be working. Yes, it can be a struggle getting out of bed, but I am getting out of bed. Currently, the alarm is set for 6:00 AM. That's one hour difference in two weeks, which means another two weeks before I reach my goal of 5:00 AM. On Monday, it will be set back to 5:45 AM and the next stop on Thursday or so will be 5:30. Here's to hoping it keeps on working. As a side note, the kids are pretty much back to their regular time of waking up.
Speaking of kids, both the boys are in soccer. R has games on Monday and Wednesday, while J has games on Tuesday and Thursday. Both sets of games get them home past their normal bedtime. This schedule is driving me crazy, and we still have 6 weeks of it left. Aaaarrrggghhh!
I've also gotten out of the habit of posting this:
Description and Setting (Ron Rozelle)
Technical Documentation for local company.